Our J.A.R.'s Ministry is Jesus Arms Reaching. 

A few times a year we get together to fill Jars with goods for cookies, brownies or soup. We like to give these J.A.R.'s as a gift to encourage others. If you would like to be part of this J.A.R.'s ministry, join us as we fill these J.A.R.'s with Jesus' love!


Fill out this form & join us for this filling up party!

Loving, Serving, Reaching
"How Do You Know God's Your Father?
Want to know where you stand with God? This Precept 40-Minute Bible Study will help you know without a doubt that God is your Father & heaven is your home. (Sunday 8:30 AM in GLC Basement; Starting September 15th)
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Inductive Bible Study
We are learning to study the Bible "inductively" using the New Inductive Study Bible. Join us Wednesday's at 10:30 am. (Contact us to find out the address)
Sunday Morning Prayer
Come pray with us before church, 9:30 am Upstairs in the SE Hall